
ZanaAfrica is a women’s empowerment NGO based in Kenya and receives some of its annual operating budget from The Gates Foundation. Women’s issues have always been of paramount importance to me so when I was invited to help ZanaAfrica to refashion their brand identity and to produce promotional materials, I accepted the challenge and relocated to Nairobi for six months. During that short period I created a crowd-sourced fundraising initiative, launched a mobile app, produced videos, created packaging and health inserts with health information and supported the young teachers who taught health education classes in the local schools.

The brand puts the girls who are being served by the organization front and center and uses the surroundings of their lives to reinforce the Kenyan identity. Laurie Churchman designed a modular logo with an image area that can accommodate whatever subject matter fits the specific project at hand. The type was clean and simple, appropriate for an organization working on hygiene issues for young girls. The business cards are a shuffle deck of eight cards with eight unique logos.