Get Inspired!
AIGA, founded in 1914, is the oldest and largest professional organization for design. Its mission is “to advance design as a professional craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force.” As the centennial approached, the organization was interested in amplifying its message to potential and newly lapsed members. The challenge was to create a bold communication tool to invigorate the membership to get and stay involved.
Since our target was the young newly employed designer we decided that a web-hosted video would be the ideal medium to reach them. Video, animation and dynamic visuals would offset the many compelling attributes of the organization. And real people, members from all over the country, would provide on camera testimonials as influencers, to give voice to a community built by and for passionate designers.
The final piece, “Get Inspired”, was a call-to-action that generated buzz and engaged new members at the chapter level during recruitment drives. Using a gamut of techniques from hand lettering to Maya it was lovingly crafted by the TV Land creative group; Marc Nahas and Alanna Siviero were the lead art directors. We are still getting positive feedback to this day. You can see the video here

See another case study here