Rebranding ZanaAfrica

ZanaAfrica is a women’s empowerment NGO based in Nairobi, Kenya. It had been in existence for five years when I came on board as creative director. They were interested in rethinking how they presented themselves to funders, clients, partners and the press. The C.E.O., Megan Mukuria, was a wonderful creative partner and was very open to new ideas. We came up with an identity system that put the girls they helped front and center, surrounded by the elements of their lives, clearly communicating the brand’s mission of empowering through health education and sanitary pad distribution. Clarity, simplicity and great photography of positive images of the girls, added up to an identity that could be easily understood and translated by third parties. A rewarding day was when, after having completed an infographic that illustrated the impact of ZanaAfrica’s activities, Megan remarked that she had begun to understand the power of design to communicate a message. And that infographic helped secure the Gates Foundation million dollar scale-up that ZanaAfrica won soon thereafter.
These are a few of the pages from the brand guide.